Bridgefy App

Internet is not available everywhere in the world and there are some times where we have no internet or network connection.
Eg-> natural disasters, military conditions, while traveling in flights, while camping, internal events, civil protest etc.
In such cases we have to communicate using something else. That where you need Bridgefy app. Bridgefy is an offline app for Android and IOS that can be replaced Whatsapp. After the whatsapp policy crisis a large number of users moved to Bridgefy. It is enabled to communicate with family and friends without internet connection. It is using Bluetooth technology to connect with each other. App requires internet connectivity only for the setup and sync contacts. It was founded in 2014 by Jorge Rios in USA. You can download it from playstore or apple app store. It is nice, easy and user-friendly app to use anywhere. It has been used by more than 2 million people around the world. It is an encrypted app but security model was not appropriate for big scale. However, lately they implemented the Signal protocol to use end to end encryption library. This app allows you to share live location and through this feature you can connect nearby users although they are not in your contact list. This app supports both text and image messages. There was a popular news saying that app was downloaded more than 600000 in a few hours in Myanmar. This app normally works in 3 modes.
1) Allow users to send one to one text messages through Bluetooth connectivity within 330 feet (100 meters).
2) For long distance text messages, it uses a mesh network
3) Broadcast mode allows users to send text messages to anyone around who using the app.